Cornea Disease Treatment

Facilities Available At Laxmi Eye If You Are Looking For Cornea Treatment In Navi Mumbai & Around

Modern-day ophthalmology has come a long way from just a torchlight examination of the eye.

Visit Laxmi for super specialty CORNEA TREATMENT IN Navi MUMBAI. A qualified and experienced cornea specialist coupled with latest technology being used in ophthalmology can accurately map and quantify each and every layer of the eye giving the Ophthalmologist an unprecedented insight into the diseases affecting the eye.

Needless to say, such advancements have transformed Cornea Practice and have brought it to its current standards at CORNEA TREATMENT IN Navi MUMBAI. We strive to be at the cutting edge of technological innovations in Ophthalmology to be able to pass on the benefits to our patients. We are well recognized for cornea treatment in Navi Mumbai. Our Cornea department boasts of having.

Cornea Disease Treatment at Laxmi Eye Hospitals and Institute in Navi Mumbai, centres at Panvel, Kharghar, Kamothe and Dombivali.

Oculyser :

An instrument that can rapidly scan the cornea and accurately determine its curvatures and shapes in a matter of minutes. This technique called “Corneal Topography/Tomography” which simply means “mapping the Cornea” has widespread application in diagnosing and monitoring Keratoconus progression, performing refractive surgery (LASIK, etc), planning cataract surgery with high-end lenses and contact lens fitting.

I trace (Aberrometer):

While Oculyser determines the structure of the Cornea , the Itrace maps its function. By projecting a series of precisely arranged and monitored rays of light into the eye the iTrace can determine how well the Cornea, and the eye as a whole, focus the light. Laxmi Eye Institute is proud to be the first center in western India to adopt this technology. We are the best when if comes to a best cornea specialist and comprehensive cornea treatment in Navi Mumbai, Dombivli & Panvel

At CORNEA TREATMENT IN MUMBAI, The information derived from this instrument can guide both laser refractive surgery (LASIK and PRK) to correct the shape of your cornea and help your doctor to choose a lens best suited for your eye after cataract surgery.

Anterior Segment Optical Coherence Tomography (ASOCT):

Imagine an instrument that can give a layer by layer analysis of the ‘half-a- millimeter thick’ Cornea. The ASOCT at Laxmi Eye Institute does just that, and more. It can show crystal clear images of the disease process and can tell the Cornea specialist how deep does the disease lie in relation to the surface of the Cornea. This makes planning a corneal surgery very easy for the Cornea specialist.

Specular Microscope:

From the layer down to the cell. A specular microscope can actually take sharp photographs of the Endothelial Cells which are important to maintaining the clarity of the cornea. It can not only show the shape and size of these cells but also can give accurate measurements of the cell density, volume, and area of the cells. This information guides the Cornea specialists to identify people at risk of losing corneal clarity and an appropriate treatment strategy can be reached.

Transplantation & Eye Bank-

Corneal transplantation, also known as Keratoplasty, is a procedure of replacing the diseased Cornea (the transparent tissue which forms the outer cover of the eye) with a healthy one from a donor. Corneal transplantation can be done for patients with different types of diseases of the cornea provided that all inner structures of the eye are healthy and functioning well.

What are the types of corneal transplantation?

Full-thickness corneal transplantation, known as Penetrating Keratoplasty; is the oldest, most time tested, and the most commonly performed surgery in which the whole of the patients’ cornea is replaced with that of a donor.

However, scientists and cornea specialists world over realized that replacing the full thickness of the cornea is a wastage of precious donor tissue for diseases that involve only a part of the patient’s eye. This led to the development of modern partial-thickness transplant procedures, known as Lamellar Keratoplasty. In Lamellar Keratoplasty procedures, only the diseased layers of the patient’s cornea and are replaced with similar healthy layers from a donor and the healthy layers are retained.

This leads to faster visual recovery, lesser duration, and frequency of medications post-op, and a lesser number of follow-ups and complications. It also allows the Cornea specialists to split one donor cornea into two parts and treat two potential patients /recipients thus reducing the demand for donor tissues and lesser wastage.

Cornea specialists at Laxmi Eye Hospital are well versed with all the modern transplantation techniques. The patients can reap the benefits of this expertise.

Which corneal diseases can be treated by transplantation?

Most of the corneal diseases like non-healing infections, swelling and cloudiness of the cornea, abnormal shape of the cornea, abnormal deposits, and white scars and spots after injury or infection can be treated by transplantation. The vision recovery of the patients is good after corneal transplantation provided the inner structures of the eye are healthy and functioning well.

How can I get corneal transplantation at Laxmi Eye Hospital?

Laxmi Eye Hospital is a government recognized, and Human Organ Transplant Act (HOTA) accredited Keratoplasty center. To avail of this treatment, a patient simply has to book an appointment to see the Cornea specialist. A careful and detailed examination is carried out in the Cornea department and after ensuring suitability for transplantation and determining the type of transplantation, the patient is enrolled on our register for transplantation. As soon as Laxmi Eye Bank receives a donor corneal tissue that is suitable to the patient’s needs he or she is contacted and invited to come to the institute within a day or two to get the cornea transplanted. Our counselors, constantly keep in touch with the patients and relatives to update them about the proceedings. We are well recognized for cornea treatment in Navi Mumbai.

Do you implant prosthetic corneas?

Yes, at Laxmi Eye Hospital we implant highly specialized ‘keratoprostheses”, like the Boston keratoprosthesis, LVP keratoprosthesis, and others. This surgery is suitable for patients who have undergone multiple corneal transplants in the past that have failed, or as the first surgery in eyes where a corneal transplant has a very high risk of failure. At Laxmi, the best eye hospital for CORNEA TREATMENT IN MUMBAI, patients can enjoy excellent vision for many years after this surgery.

Do I have to arrange for a cornea donor?

No, Laxmi Eye Bank takes care of this. Laxmi Eye bank is a fully functional, HOTA accredited eye bank. It is the sole eye bank in Raigad district with a large catchment area. Our grief counselors are not only active in the community and hospitals in Panvel and neighboring Navi Mumbai area but also deep into the interiors of Raigad district. They carry out awareness and motivational activities routinely to promote Cornea donation after death. This leads to a healthy turnover of donor cornea tissues at Laxmi Eye Bank thus minimizing the waiting time for potential recipients.

More about Laxmi Eye Bank…

Laxmi Eye bank is a HOTA accredited eye bank, managed by Laxmi Charitable Trust, which stands as the backbone of the Cornea Transplantation program at Laxmi Eye Hospital and Charitable Trust hospital. At Laxmi Eye Bank we follow international standards in the acquisition of donor tissue, evaluating it, processing it, and maintaining records. Using the latest technology like the Keratoanalyser to determine the health of the donor tissue enables the Cornea specialist to match the tissue to a best-suited recipient. This combined with the expertise and experience of our highly trained staff and Cornea surgeons ensures a predictable outcome for our Corneal Transplant patients.

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